On Firday, October 10th, we had our monthly Memorial Miles group walk. As this was our first walk post- 9/11 start- up, we thought it would be very fitting to visit the "Koenig Sphere", a piece of sculpture that sat in the outdoor Plaza of the World Trade Center. Although it was badly damaged by the 9/11 attacks, it was badly damaged. In 2002, the Sphere was relocated to its current location in Battery Park.
Our walk began along the Hudson River, on a perfect autumn day. We had a great view of the Statue of Libery.
When we made it to the Sphere, we spent some time there, looking at the damage it incurred, remembering all the outdoor concerts and lunches we had out on the Plaza. Here, Barbara, Armando, Jean Paul, and Amadou take a look. 

Here's Kamran reading the plaque that is there, it reads:
"For three decades, this sculpture stood in the plaza of the World Trade Center. Entitled "The Sphere", it was conceived by artist Fritz Koenig as a symbol of world peace. It was damaged during the tragic events of September 11, 2001, but endures as an icon of hope and the indestructible spirit of this country. The Sphere was placed here on March 11, 2002 as a temporary memorial to all who lost their lives in the terrorist attacks at the World Trade Center. This eternal flame was ignited on September 11, 2002 in honor of all those that were lost. Their spirit and sacrifice will never be forgotten."
As we got ready to head up Broadway, of course, we needed to obligatory group photo of the "Milers" who were there for our group walk. We're looking for a good destination for next month's walk!!!!

Also, as of the end of September, the Memorial Milers had walked or run a total of just over 1,200 miles!!! Paul and I have been running every day since we started. Today was day 35, I have just gone over 100 miles.
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