
Monthly Group Walk, Bowling Green Park- July 27, 2009

Kamran, Tom, and Paul gather for the walk

In honor of the 233rd anniversary of the original writing and public reading of the Declaration of Independence, this month, the Memorial Milers retraced the steps of Sons of Liberty who, upon the first public reading of the Declaration (IN City Hall Park), stormed down Broadway to Bowling Green Park, and tore down the statue of King George which had been there since 1770. The fence that surrounded the statue STILL REMAINS- although somewhat disfigured. You see, in their rage, the Sons of Liberty also knocked of each of the cast- iron crowns that sat atop the fence posts. The crown-less fence is now on the National Registry of Historic Places. This was a great opportunity to retrace the exact footsteps of a very historic event.

In addition, we brought a copy of the Declaration of Independence with us in order to read a little aloud, trying to recreate some of the sounds the people heard and the emotions they must have felt 233 years ago. The final sentence of the Declaration could almost be fitting for the Memorial Milers and our commitment:

"And for the support of this declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor."

Abdul, Anita, Tom, Kamran, Joan, Sochieta (the newest Miler!!) Jean Paul, and Paul pose in front of the original fence, constructed in 1771

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