
March 13, 2009 WTC Site Visit

Memorial Milers Paul Pietropaolo, Clarelle DeGraffe and Tom Grassi on the job at the World Trade Center Site check in on the progress of the National September 11 Memorial Museum. In the aerial view behind them, you can see the steel framing for the Memorial filling in the bathtub where the former WTC Twin Towers stood. It is very exciting to see the progress that is being made all over the site!

Street level on the West Street side of the future Memorial.

Mike Mahesh & Clarelle DeGraffe entering the future Museum site about 7o feet below street level.

Tom Grassi, Paul Pietropaolo

Views by the Survivors Stairs.

Views of construction progress on the National September 11 Memorial Museum. As you can see there is a lot of progress being made, the steel framing is going up swiftly and the "Pit" is filling in before you know it the Memorial will be ready for the September 11, 2011 opening!

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