
January 30, 2009- Monthly Group Walk

In celebration of the inauguration of a new U.S. President, it was only fitting for this month's group Memorial Mile to be walked to the Wall Street location of the inauguration of our first President, George Washington.

Here, (left to right) Malik, Paul, Barbara, Tom, and Jean Paul (with Kamrin taking the picture) pose in front of the Federal Hall National Memorial, location of President Washington's inauguration.

The interior of the Memorial was featuring a great exhibit of presidential events throughout American history. Here Barbara, Abdul, and Malik pose in front of part of the exhibit the exhibit.
Also there was the bible George Washington used at his inauguration as well as the stone slab he stood on while being sworn in. It was some very cool stuff....

On our way out, we hooked up with a camera crew and......is that Mike Myers?? Not sure who or what it was, but Tom, Barbara, and Abdul stopped by for a quick picture and a few words on camera promoting Memorial Miles!!

Until next month, a so long from the Milers!!!

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