Today was a great day. After a very quick burst (about a month) of planning, preparing, meeting, to see an idea really
become an 'event' is a great experience. Many of the great people who work here rebuilding the
WTC site are really here for 'the cause' and want to do anything and everything they can to rebuild our home, remember our friends, and renew our lives.
I hope more of the 'Milers' will share stories about why they are here, but as for me, I worked in the World Trade Center for about fifteen years when, on 9/11, I was on the 82
nd Floor of One
WTC as the first plane hit several floors above me. Of course, we all left
immediately but I was still inside my building when Tower Two collapsed, that's when things got really crazy. I have been working on the rebuilding of the World Trade Center site since the days immediately after 9/11. It really was an honor to the the Port Authority's Engineering Department Project Manager for the construction of the Temporary PATH Station, which opened on November 23, 2003- before anyone though it could.

The photographs here are from October 12, 2001, my first visit to the site after 9/11-- one of the remnants of Tower One, and one of me near Church Street.
I've been here ever since and I can't think of another project I'd rather be working on or another group of people I'd rather be working with.